© Maria Pospiech

Under the Philipp Schwartz Initiative, universities and research institutions can apply for funding to host at-risk researchers.

In addition to the Philipp Schwartz Initiative program, this fellowship program has been running since the beginning of 2019. The funding program to support refugee and at-risk scientists supports postdocs.

With this scholarship program, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports at-risk students and doctoral candidates who are denied access to education in their country of origin.

Further offers for refugees and scientists at risk

Further offers for refugees and scientists at risk

Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Scholarships for Refugees. The Konrad Adenauer Foundation offers scholarships for refugee students. Bachelor's, Master's students as well as graduates (PhD students) can apply. 

Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Support for politically persecuted refugees, foreign students and doctoral students. Funding is also available for refugees without a residence permit. Applicants must reside in Germany. Application informal and possible at any time. 

Baden-Württemberg Fund for Persecuted Academics
The Baden-Württemberg Foundation has established a support program for scientists at risk. The aim of the program is to give persecuted scientists the opportunity to continue their academic work in a safe environment at an institution in Baden-Württemberg.

The German Research Foundation (DFG)
The DFG offers scientists and scholars who have fled to Germany from their home countries the opportunity to work on current DFG projects at all stages of their scientific careers. Research projects that are already funded by the DFG can submit applications for additional staff and thus enable the integration of refugee researchers. Furthermore, refugee researchers can be funded directly in Research Training Groups, Collaborative Research Centers and other DFG-funded collaborative projects. If you are interested, you can send an inquiry directly to the heads of current DFG projects or Research Training Groups with reference to the program.

Volkswagen Stiftung
Similar to the DFG, the Volkswagen Foundation offers refugee scientists who have been granted a residence permit in the context of an asylum procedure the opportunity to work on existing research projects funded by the Foundation. Here, too, the project management submits the application. If you are interested, you can make a direct request to the management of current projects funded by the Volkswagen Foundation with reference to the program. We will be happy to help you with the placement.

PAUSE - Collège de France 
PAUSE is a funding program for French universities and research institutes, analogous to the Philipp Schwartz Program in Germany. It enables institutions to host scientists at risk. It is open to PhD students, postdocs and experienced scientists.

The Science4Refugees initiative helps refugee scientists to find suitable positions that both improve their own situation and make their skills and experience useful for the European science system.

Scholar Rescue Fund
The Scholar Rescue Fund offers scholarships to professors, researchers and prominent intellectuals whose lives and careers are threatened in their home countries. SRF places scholars at universities and provides financial support.

HessenFonds for refugees and persecutees
Within the framework of the HessenFonds, the Hessian Ministry of Science and the Arts awards scholarships to particularly talented and high-achieving refugee students, doctoral candidates and academics at Hessen's state universities. The funding is intended for the continuation of studies or an academic career at a state university in Hessen.

Walter Benjamin Programme
The Walter Benjamin Programme enables researchers in the postdoctoral training phase to independently conduct their own research project at a location of their choice. The project can be carried out at a research institution in Germany or abroad, with the host institution providing support for the project.

#ScienceForUkraine is a community group of volunteer researchers and students from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. Their mission is to support the Ukrainian academic community in surviving the Russia’s war and to help ensure the continuity of Ukraine's science and strengthen its presence in the international science arena.

Networks and NGOs

Scholars at Risk
Scholars at Risk is an international network of universities and individuals dedicated to protecting threatened academics and academic freedom. 

Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA)
This global British NGO places at-risk academics in universities and provides them with financial support.

Chance for Science
Chance for Science is a platform for scientists who have fled to Germany. It can be used to establish contact with other researchers from one's own field of expertise. Furthermore, they can benefit from access to libraries, conferences and events at the university. 


Support in Bremen

The ,,Flüchtlingsrat Bremen'' provides migrants and refugees with solidarity, advice and political support. They are committed to an open civil society in which those affected by discrimination are strengthened in their fight for participatio and co-determination.

Ankommen im Quartier“/“Unterstützung im Quartier“ offers immigrants and refugees initial advice on all issues and refers them to appropriate services.