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Workshops & Talks
Workshops & Talks at SuUB, University of Bremen
To safe your seat, please register for our highlight talks and hands-on workshops, where you'll gain valuable insights into various, interdisciplinary tools and effective research data management strategies tailored to different disciplines. Please see registration information in the respective description of the talks and workshops. And please join us for the World Café (no registration needed).
If not stated differently in the description below, workshops and talks will be conductued in English language.
Privacy Notice: If you register for talks and/or workshops by e-mail, your registration, including all resulting personal data (name, institute etc.), will be stored and processed by the lecturer and us for the purpose of processing your registration. For further information see our Privacy Policy.
9:00 -10:45 Session 1
Some of these sessions will be held at the same time. You can either participate in Talk 1 + 2 or Workshop 1.
Talk 1: Improving record linkage for health research in Germany – epidemiological use cases and recommendations
Time: 9:00-9:45, Lecturer: Dr. Timm Intemann (BIPS), Dr. Stephan Kloep (KKSB)

Linking different health data at the individual level is known as record linkage (RL). The linked data enables scientific questions to be answered that could not be answered with one data source alone. However, current laws and their interpretations limit the RL of health data.
This talk includes an introduction in the topic of RL, presents RL use cases from the health research practice and discusses recommendation from the White Paper: Improving record linkage for health research in Germany.
It proposes solutions for RL that are in line with the General Data Protection Regulation. The recommendations include the introduction of an approval authority, the establishment of a Health-ID and the creation of a decentralized federated research data infrastructure with central components.
Lecturer: Dr. Timm Intemann (BIPS), Dr. Stephan Kloep (KKSB)
Organizer(s): BIPS, NFDI4Health, KKSB
Venue: SuUB, Room 1140 (GF)
Time: 9:00-9:45 CET
Responsible person: Dr. Teresa Alberts
Talk 2: Collaborative creation and management of FAIR metadata in field research: Case studies from DFKI RIC
Time: 10:00-10:45, Lecturer: Christian Backe (DFKI)
This talk shows some lessons learned from the creation and management of FAIR metadata (MD) in recent field research projects at DFKI RIC, and derives principles and building blocks for a collaborative research data management (RDM) system. Though motivated from engineering, this system is general enough to be useful for data managers in other disciplines as well. First, we take an inventory of different kinds of MD from an application perspective and a workflow perspective. Second, social aspects of FAIR RDM are discussed, both in the project context and beyond. Third, RDM tasks are divided into recurring phases, influenced by the standard data lifecycle, but geared towards iterative improvement of the RDM system. This work is conducted in coordination with the project NFDI4Ing.
Lecturer: Christian Backe
Organizer(s): DFKI RIC, NFDI4Ing
Venue: SuUB, Room 1140 (GF)
Time: 10:00-10:45 CET
Workshop 1: Digital Humanities – Introduction, Data Sources, Exercises
Time: 9:00 – 10:30, Lecturer: Dr. Manfred Nölte
This workshop starts with an introduction to typical data sources and methods within the Digital Humanities. In a practical part, various exercises (such as full text downloads, text analyses, evaluations and visualization of results) are carried out. Different free software tools are used to illustrate application scenarios for Digital Humanities. The application of language models and transformers in the digital humanities will also be discussed. It is recommended that participants bring their own notebooks. The tools can be installed in advance. Instructions will be given early on. Participants can also bring their own data and questions for discussion if there is sufficient time.
Lecturer: Dr. Manfred Nölte
Organizer(s): SuUB
Venue: Workshop room 1220 (GF, SuUB)
Time: 9:00 – 10:30
11:00-12:45 Session 2
Some of these sessions will be held at the same time. You can either participate in Talk 3 + 4 or Workshop 2.
Talk 3: What happens to all the data? On the importance of data availability in biology
Time: 11:00-11:45, Lecturer: Dr. Barbara Ebert (GFBio e.V.)

Data is created the course of all sorts of scientific activity,. e. g. through observations, analyses, experiments, or in simulations. Biologists use large existing data corpora to understand systems, both on the cellular level and on the level of ecosystems. But how are these data collected and maintained? Where are the gaps in data availabilty that hinder productive research? This presentation by the German Federation for Biological data will provide insights into the ecosystem of data infrastructures and services in the field of biology.
Lecturer: Dr. Barbara Ebert
Organizer(s): GFBio e.V., NFDI4Biodiversity
Venue: SuUB, Room 1140 (GF)
Time: 11:00-11:45 CET
Talk 4: DSMZ Digital Diversity – the central gateway to BacDive, BRENDA, LPSN, SILVA and more
Time: 12:00-12:45, Lecturer: Dr. Julia Koblitz (DSMZ)

In the field of microbiology, numerous databases contain extensive information about microorganisms, each representing a "data island". However, the true potential of this wealth of knowledge lies in their connection and integration. We are building an integrated suite of databases of fundamental importance to the life sciences, including the BacDive bacterial phenotype database, the BRENDA enzyme database, the SILVA rRNA sequence database, the LPSN nomenclature service, and others. The resulting platform, DSMZ Digital Diversity, will provide an integrated resource, enabling the linking and comprehensive analysis of diverse types of data from all areas of the life sciences. It will facilitate research by providing ways to find data across resources, explore relationships, and exploit data.
Lecturer: Dr. Julia Koblitz
Organizer(s): DSMZ, NFDI4Biodiversity
Venue: SuUB, Room 1140 (GF)
Time: 12:00-12:45 CET
Workshop 2: Economic Research Data - Needs, Sources, Current (in German)
Time: 11:00-12:30 Uhr, Lecturer: Dr. Uwe Staroske, Dr. Manfred Nölte (SuUB)
This workshop is dedicated to the increasing importance of economic data and its analysis. It begins with a brief introduction to data sources and methods. In a further section, the needs identified by the scientific community will be described. There is a consensus that the availability of economic and social science data in Germany lags behind that of many neighboring countries in terms of quality and quantity. The consequences are manifold: the evidence on which economic policy decisions were based in the past did not come from Germany due to a lack of availability, because not enough data was available. This means that politicians and administrators lack relevant information for their decisions. Researchers in Germany often prefer to work with foreign data on foreign issues.
An overview is given of the areas in which important data is missing and how the data gap can be reduced.
(This session will be held in German.)
Lecturer: Dr. Uwe Staroske, Dr. Manfred Nölte
Organizer(s): SuUB
Venue: Workshop room 1220 (GF, SuUB)
Time: 11:00-12:30
13:00 - 15:00 Session 3
Some of these sessions will be held at the same time. You can either participate in Talk 5 + 6 or Workshop 3.
Talk 5: Sharing qualitative research data with Qualiservice
Time: 13:00-13:45, Lecturers: Dr. Susanna Prepeliczay, Monika Leichtling (Qualiservice)
The Research Data Centre (RDC) Qualiservice at University Bremen (www.qualiservice.org) archives, curates and provides all types of qualitative research data (e.g. interview transcripts; observation protocols; audiovisual media…) from all Social Sciences disciplines, including Sociology; Political Sciences; Ethnography; Cultural or Religious Sciences; Criminology and others. The preparation of qualitative research data for longterm archiving and scientific re-use has to consider methodological, ethical and legal challenges due to person related and sensitive contents. For this collaborative task of social researchers and RDC, Qualiservice provides counselling, tools, services and support. Study related metadata are published online and DOIs ensure citability and findability. Qualiservice cooperates with specialised information services for the Political Sciences (Pollux), Cultural Anthropology (EVIFA) and Sociology (SocioHub).
Lecturer: Dr. Susanna Prepeliczay, Monika Leichtling
Organizer(s): Qualiservice, KonsortSWD
Venue: SuUB, Room 1140 (GF)
Time: 13:00-13:45 CET
Talk 6: Digitalization in museums
Time: 14:00-14:30, Lecturer: Dr. Alexander Reis, Dr. Sebastian Vehlken (DSM)

The digitization of the DSM’s collection and archives aims for the benefit of both academic research projects and the interested public. 3D-scanning techniques (optical, X-ray, MR) create novel entry points for scientific inquiries in cultural heritage, e.g. on the materiality or the history of use of objects. They help carving out the "multi-layeredness" of museum artifacts, thus enhancing transdisciplinary exchange – e.g., when biology-related repositories serve to publish data from material analysis.
However, even if the metadata of objects in principle allow for semantic contextualization, in the digital humanities the documentation of museum objects using authority files which foster interoperability is often still in its infancy and requires the development of relevant Thesauri.
Lecturer: Dr. Alexander Reis, Dr. Sebastian Vehlken Organizer(s): DSM, NFDI4Memory Venue: SuUB, Room 1140 (GF) Time: 14:00-14:30 CET Responsible person: Dr. Alexander Reis
Workshop 3: Let's play Lego®! Experience reproducible research in a practical way
Time: 13:00-15:00, Lecturer: Heike Thöricht (UB DSC)
Scientific institutions, funding agencies, and journals are increasingly asking for a sustainable research data management strategy according to the FAIR-principles. This requires research data to be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable in order to make research transparent and reproducible. In this context, comprehensible documentation of research can be a challenge.
Get active and get to know tools that will make your task easier. We would like to document, record, and discuss with you using Lego®! You do not need to bring your own Lego® to participate in the event, as we will provide all materials. The event is open to all students, faculty members, researchers, and those interested in research data management. We invite you to join us for a fun and informative experience.
The Data Science Center (DSC) is an interdisciplinary institute that acts as focal point for data-driven research and data science at the University of Bremen. Our goal is to strengthen data science and data management in research, education, and application across all faculties as well as to advance scientific discoveries through cross-disciplinary collaborations.
Lecturer: Heike Thöricht
Organizer(s): Data Science Center, University Bremen
Venue: Workshop room 1220 (GF, SuUB)
Time: 13:00-15:00 Uhr
Responsible person: Heike Thöricht
For registration click here
10:30-13:00 World Café
Workshop 4: World Café - Joining Tables: Cultivating Best Practices in Research Data Management across Disciplines
Zeit: 10:30-13:00, Ort: Workshop Raum 1350 (GF, SuUB), Lecturer: Dr. Nour Naaouf & Dr. Rajini Nagrani (Leibniz BIPS); Dr. Birte Hemmelskamp-Pfeiffer, Dr. Astrid Wittmann, Alexandra Nozik, Sebastian Swirski (Leibniz ZMT); Dr. Mariam Rizkallah Isaak (Fraunhofer IFAM); Dr. Norbert Riefler (Leibniz IWT); Dr. Wilken Seemann, Dr. Wolf-Achim Kahl (MAPEX-CF)
Joining Tables: Cultivating Best Practices in Research Data Management across Disciplines
The World Café features a series of thematic discussions hosted at different tables, offering opportunities to delve into specific aspects of handling research data and research data management across different disciplines to find synergies. The different disciplines covered by five tables will be public health, natural and environmental science, social science, material science and engineering. Through lively exchanges and shared experiences, we aim to uncover best practices, address common obstacles and envision future directions for optimizing research data management.
The target audience includes all interested persons like students, PhDs, PostDocs, research assistants as well as PIs. Per table, one or more burning questions will be tackled and discussed with each group. Central findings and conclusions will be written down and gathered. In the end, main outcomes of each table will be merged in an overall discussion together.
No registration needed. Please come and join us for an exciting, interdisciplinary discussion!
Table 1: Research data management for a healthy planet - Dr. Nour Naaouf, Dr. Rajini Nagrani (Leibniz BIPS)
In a dynamic public health and environmental science research environment, scientists and data analysts convene to explore the complexities of analyzing satellite-derived pollutant concentrations and indices, integrating them to monitor environmental change, and evaluating their health impacts. Amidst this endeavor, two prominent challenges emerge in the realm of planetary health: data integration and data privacy.
Data integration: The utilization of diverse datasets from epidemiological studies and satellite imagery poses a significant challenge due to disparities in formats, resolutions, and spatiotemporal scales. How can we streamline the integration process to efficiently merge disparate datasets, ensuring coherence and reliability in our analyses?
Data Privacy: Preserving the confidentiality and ethical handling of sensitive health and environmental data presents a critical concern. For instance, linking sensitive participant information, such as residential addresses, with remote sensing data raises ethical considerations. How can we navigate the ethical landscape to access and utilize sensitive participant data without compromising privacy or violating ethical guidelines?
We invite researchers, data analysts, and professionals in public health and environmental science to join us in discussing strategies to address these challenges effectively.
Questions? naaouf@leibniz-bips.de; nagrani@leibniz-bips.de
Table 2: Management of Natural and Social Science Research Data from the Tropics - Dr. Birte Hemmelskamp-Pfeiffer, Dr. Astrid Wittmann, Alexandra Nozik, Sebastian Swirski (Leibniz ZMT)
Researchers from various disciplines meet in a large university library to discuss the challenges and best practices in managing research data from the tropical coastal regions. While the geoscientists are concerned with the collection and storage of geological data, the social scientists are discussing the organisation of survey data. However, they all face similar obstacles: unstructured data, limited storage resources and the need to keep data accessible in the long term. What strategies could they develop together to optimize their research through effective data management?
Table 3: Material Data++ - Data Integration in Material Science and Engineering - Dr. Mariam R. Rizkallah Issak, Dr.-Ing. Vinicius Carrillo Beber (Fraunhofer IFAM)
Data are rarely used in isolation, as deeper insights are driven from the integration of high-quality datasets. However, integration of isolated datasets requires models and systems for data management, and mechanisms for data integration and validation. Material sciences and engineering are highly interdisciplinary and application-driven by nature. Experimental data from material testing are often used in conjugation with weather data, user data (e.g., driving profile), synthetic data (i.e., simulations), or process data, and enriched with metadata. We are excited to share with you a few examples of models and mechanisms for such integrations. We are curious to hear about your research questions. What additional data sources do you need to answer them, what obstacles do you face, and what possibilities would better data integration practices open for you?
Questions? mariam.rizkallah.issak@ifam.fraunhofer.de
Table 4: Beyond Pen and Paper – Research Data Management (RDM) Tools for Study and Science - Dr. Norbert Riefler (Leibniz IWT)
Target group: From students to scientific staff
You are shortly before an important submission (paper, bachelor thesis, proposal) when you suddenly experience a data loss. Or you need to reconstruct a complex experiment you have made years ago but can‘t find your notes. These exemplary data disasters can be prevented by a thought-out system with only a few tools. We will talk about that, but also your needs and wishes are great of interest to discuss opportunities and vision of RDM.
Questions? riefler@iwt.uni-bremen.de
Table 5: Managing the correlation of measurements from different materials analysis methods - Dr. Wilken Seemann, Dr. Wolf-Achim Kahl (MAPEX Core Facility for Materials Analytics)
An essential aspect of materials science is the investigation of the same samples by complementary analysis methods. These acquire information of complementary properties of the sample surface and bulk, such as structure and composition, morphology and reactivity, mechanical and chemical resistance, and many others. This collaborative approach brings the challenge of putting together and comparing the results of many separate measurements. Important questions are, for example: are the measurement data and metadata transferable among the methods? Can the exact same region of the sample be examined? Can the results be represented together as an overlay image? Does the application of destructive methods require the use of a large number of statistically correlated samples? How do we ensure that different scientists performing different measurements fully understand the results and limitations of each analysis method?
The MAPEX Core Facility for Materials Analytics aims to combine different analysis methods in correlated workflows, employing modern research data management tools such as electronic notebooks and promoting semantic correlation of diverse datasets. The discussion in this world café will focus on best-practice examples from the participants from all disciplines and contribute to identify possible concepts and approaches that promote the deployment of interdisciplinary workflows in materials analytics.
Questions? mapexcf@uni-bremen.de
Information Booths
Information booths & poster at Glashalle and SuUB, University of Bremen
Join us in the 'Glashalle' and in the foyer of the SuUB to explore a variety of research data initiatives and practical use cases from various disciplines at the information booths.
9:00 - 15:00
Informations Booths
National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Bremen

NFDI: A national initiative to promote FAIR research data
In research, large amounts of valuable data are produced that can provide answers to new scientific questions. The German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) is an initiative that aims at building a sustainable infrastructure for data across all fields of research. Based on the FAIR* principles, concepts and services are developed that enable researchers to systematically access, network, and reuse data. 9 out of the nationwide 27 NFDI consortia have participation from Bremen and will present themselves at the NFDI Island. Join us and meet MatWerk, NFDI4Biodiversity, NFDI4Earth (Academy), NFDI4DataScience, NFDI4Health, KonsortSWD, NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Memory, NFDI4Energy.
*F = Findable, A = Accessible, I = Interoperable, R = Reusable
Data Competence Center „DataNord“: Empowering Bremen’s research community in data literacy
Are you seeking to improve your data skills?
DataNord is an interdisciplinary data competence center for the Bremen region, tailored to support researchers at every career stage in their work with data.We will guide you onhow to effectively utilize DataNord to enhance your data literacy and maximize the potential of your data. The practical opportunities to boost your data proficiency, including specialized trainings, self-paced learning materials, hackathons, summer schools, counselling services, networking events, and research-project support will be introduced. Moreover, you will learn more about two central pillars of DataNord.
1. Data Train program of the U Bremen Research Alliance – Training in Research Data Management and Data Science
Join us to find out your opportunities in the Data Train program - which is provided annually and targeted at doctoral researchers (but also open to everyone interested whenever possible). The training focusses on basic competencies in research data management and data science. The curriculum and further training components (like Data Stories: Insights & networking, Hacky Hours: Discuss among peers, Digital Toolkit: Help yourself, and Data Factories: Bring your data and emerge as Data Scientist) of the Data Train program will be introduced.
2. Data Science Center at the University of Bremen
Visit the team of the Data Science Center at our DataNord walk-in helpdesk and get practical support for your research endeavors. Discover how we assist researchers with training, data-consulting, funding, and IT resources. Join us to discuss about Open Science, FAIR Data, data management, and the power of AI for your research. Plus, play our "FAIR wins" game for some fun!
Digital transformation in material sciences (Leibniz IWT, MAPEX-CF & Fraunhofer IFAM)
Data as new “raw material“ in material sciences: Digital transformation from bench to market and beyond
Three material research institutes in Bremen bring to you the state-of-the-art in generating, managing and using FAIR material data, and showcase the power of data-driven innovation in material science and engineering research.
L-IWT operates an Electronic Lab Notebook to help students and researchers with the daily documentation of their data from the research process. This everyday tool will be presented together with means to connect data to the world knowledge.
MAPEX Core Facility has adopted ELN solutions (eLabFTW) for scheduling, maintenance, and utilization of its Instruments as an example of digital transformation. Also, the creation of an additional backend database has streamlined agile environment to generate comprehensive reports.
With Fraunhofer IFAM, we will discover how data are shaping day-to-day applications of advanced materials and additive manufacturing.
Sharing qualitative research data with Qualiservice (Qualiservice, KonsortSWD, QualidataNet)

The Research Data Centre (RDC) Qualiservice at University Bremen (www.qualiservice.org) archives, curates and provides all types of qualitative research data (e.g. interview transcripts, observation protocols, audiovisual media…) from all Social Sciences disciplines, including Sociology, Political Sciences, Ethnography, Cultural or Religious Sciences, Criminology and others. The preparation of qualitative research data for longterm archiving and scientific re-use has to consider methodological, ethical and legal challenges due to person related and sensitive contents. For this collaborative task of social researchers and RDC, Qualiservice provides counselling, tools, services and support. Study related metadata are published online and DOIs ensure citability and findability. Qualiservice cooperates with specialised information services for the Political Sciences (Pollux), Cultural Anthropology (EVIFA) and Sociology (SocioHub).
Research Data Management for Tropical Data in the Natural and Social Sciences (Leibniz ZMT)

The Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in Bremen is the only scientific institute in Germany that exclusively investigates tropical and subtropical coastal ecosystems and their significance for nature and humans. In order to achieve high-quality and meaningful results, efficient research data management is essential when processing quantitative and qualitative research data. The complexity of this data poses challenges, including data security, data protection and interoperability. The Research Data Service at the ZMT supports data management at all stages of the research data lifecycle and aims to provide demand-oriented services and products for the different program areas and working groups at the ZMT.
German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio e.V.)

Learn about GFBio e.V., which brings together a spectrum of projects, consulting services and data management solutions in the field of biology. Join us for insightful discussions on the intricacies of data management and discover customised support for your research endeavours. Immerse yourself in the dynamic data landscape through interactive experiences, such as an engaging quiz and data tales. We foster a collaborative environment and empower individuals to navigate the complex world of biological data.
FAIR data flows of a German Research Vessel (Data Division, AWI Data Centre)

Find out how a temperature measured by a thermosalinograph or a seabed image taken by a subsea-camera finds its way to the marine science community in a well-organized and FAIR dataflow.
The Data division of AWI’s data centre develops services and tools to be used by the national research vessel community and operates dataflows to meet recent requirements of FAIR data policies. The team Data Logistics Support implements these dataflows on board of AWI’s and further research vessels and operates modern data acquisition systems onboard as well as data storage and access systems onshore.
Feel free to drop by, get to know more about the data work offshore and about our team or give feedback.
A flexible yet sustainable Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Integration of Distributed Research Data (AWIO2A)

The need for discoverability and accessibility of research data and metadata is huge, driven both by the FAIR principles and user requirements. Map-based exploration is becoming increasingly popular. Bringing together technical reality and user vision without sacrificing sustainability can be challenging.
The O2A SDI offers an open-source Spatial Data Infrastructure, adding automation for its components and data product creation and curation. Simple metadata harmonisation is possible. Standard Operating Procedures and other specifications document how clients can have their desired products hosted.
It has been developed and operated at Alfred Wegener Institute for more than a decade, continuously improving and providing map services for GIS clients and portals like Marine/Earth Data
Publishing Earth and Environmental data with PANGAEA

For those who always wanted to know how to structure and sustainably archive and publish research data can learn this first-hand from the PANGAEA team.
PANGAEA looks back on almost 30 years of history as an open access library for archiving, publishing and disseminating georeferenced data from the earth, environmental and biodiversity sciences. It is operated as a joint facility of the Alfred Wegener Institute, the Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM) at the University of Bremen and is the recommended data repository for numerous international scientific journals. Just drop by, watch, ask questions and be inspired. We are looking forward to your questions and ideas.
How can the library increase the FAIRness of your research? (SuUB)

The information stand provides general information about the library's services related to RDM and how its collaboration with other institutions and information networks can help you improve the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of your research outputs (including research data). – We will be actively working on the FAIRness of your data with the metadata linking strategy by offering an interactive spot highlighting the importance of persistent identifiers, such as ORCIDs for researchers or DOIs for datasets, and how to properly reference your data in your publications.
Additionally, there will be posters on
Discuss data – interactive research data management

What & for whom is Discuss Data? Which data can be found on Discuss Data? How can I use the platform?
Data management and digitalisation in german marine science (DAM)

Coordinated by the German Marine Research Alliance (Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung (DAM)) the project “Underway”–Data is supported by the marine science centers AWI, GEOMAR and Hereon of the Helmholtz Association research field “Earth and Environment”. The “Underway”-Data project aims to improve and standardize the systematic data collection and data evaluation for expeditions with German research vessels. It supports scientists in their data management duties and fosters (data)science through FAIR and open access to marine research data. AWI, GEOMAR and Hereon develop the marine data hub (Marehub). This MareHub initiative is a contribution to the DAM that builds a decentralized data infrastructure for processing, long-term archiving and dissemination of marine observation and model data and data products. Together, the “Underway”-Data project and the MareHub initiative form the basis of a coordinated data management infrastructure to support German marine science and international cooperation.
Research Data Management at the Hochschule Bremen (HSB)

Research data management has been a prominent topic at many universities in Germany in recent years. However, universities of applied sciences have not received as much attention, despite generating a significant amount of valuable research data. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has recognised the importance of this data and has provided funding for 14 universities of applied sciences to implement research data management and educate researchers on the benefits of FAIR data. Since 2023, the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen has been conducting an analysis of the research data management requirements of its researchers. They are implementing necessary steps through training and technical requirements to meet these needs. The timing could not have been better, as the BMBF has funded a large regional project for a data competence centre (DataNord) in Bremen. Cooperation between the University and the University of Applied Sciences Bremen can benefit both through the transfer of knowledge and skills
DSMZ Digital Diversity – the central gateway to BacDive, BRENDA, LPSN, SILVA and more

In the field of microbiology, numerous databases contain extensive information about microorganisms, each representing a "data island". However, the true potential of this wealth of knowledge lies in their connection and integration. We are building an integrated suite of databases of fundamental importance to the life sciences, including the BacDive bacterial phenotype database, the BRENDA enzyme database, the SILVA rRNA sequence database, the LPSN nomenclature service, and others. The resulting platform, DSMZ Digital Diversity, will provide an integrated resource, enabling the linking and comprehensive analysis of diverse types of data from all areas of the life sciences. It will facilitate research by providing ways to find data across resources, explore relationships, and exploit data.
SILVA - a comprehensive online resource for high-quality ribosomal RNA sequence data

SILVA is a comprehensive resource for quality-controlled datasets of aligned ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences from all domains of life. It is the only rRNA database worldwide which includes eukaryotes, provides datasets for the small and large subsets of rRNA, and gives special emphasis to the consistent naming of clades solely comprising uncultivated microorganisms. The first version of SILVA in 2007 contained 400,000 sequences whereas the current version contains almost 12 million. The applications of SILVA range from environmental science, microbiology, agriculture, biochemistry, biotechnology, biodiversity analysis, and medicine to quality control in science and industry. The SILVA team is available to discuss the challenges of processing and quality control of research data.
From collection to research – WiNoDa knowledge lab (GFBio e.V.)

Natural science collections contain objects and associated data that not only provide information about the past, but also about the future. The WiNoDa project (knowledge lab for natural science collections and object-centered data) is dedicated to this. It aims to network collection research and link knowledge across different disciplines. Our goal is to connect collection researchers and link knowledge from different areas. To accomplish this, we are developing engaging learning content and additional offerings that are specifically aimed at supporting researchers in dealing with this research data.
Evening Event
"Using Data Responsibly – Research Data for Society"
At the evening event data experts and representatives from business and academia will discuss the ethical and societal impacts of using research data.
Please note that the event will be conducted in German language, and spaces are limited, so secure your spot by registering before June 7, 2024.
17:30 Arrive and settle in
18:00 Event opening
Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen and Chairwoman of U Bremen Research Alliance
18:10 Presentation of the Data Champion Award 2024
18:20 "NFDI: from data services to data competencies""
Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter, Director of the National Research Data Infrastructure - NFDI
18:40 "European Open Science Cloud - ein Google für Forschungsdaten?"
Prof. Dr. Klaus Tochtermann, Director of the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics - ZBW
19:00 Panel discussion:"Data literacy for everyone leading to more progress and less fake"
Prof. Dr. Sophia Hunger, Professor of computational social science at the University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot, Director of the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS
Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter, Director of the National Research Data Infrastructure - NFDI
Prof. Dr. Klaus Tochtermann, Director of the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics - ZBW