Image showing a data space.

© KanawatVector / iStock

Research Data and Data Science

Image showing the Data Train-logo.
© U Bremen Research Alliance

Data Train – Training in Research Data Management and Data Science

Responding to the massive demand – in science, industry and society – for data literacy, a central training program was set up for doctoral researchers from the member institutions.


Research Data Working Group

The Research Data Working Group of the U Bremen Research Alliance bundles the activities of its members in the areas of Research Data Management (RDM) and Data Science, offers platforms for exchange and networking for the NFDI-consortia in which member institutions are involved, and integrates their developments and services in RDM-ecosystem of Bremen. The working group acts as a sounding board for the Bremen Data Competence Center, DataNord.


Research Data Day

On 18 June, the U Bremen Research Alliance (UBRA), together with its member institutions and other initiatives, organised the second Research Data Day under the motto "Storing and using research data. Responsibly. Together. The Research Data Day (TdF) in Bremen offered all researchers and specialists in administration and technology an insight into best practices and current challenges in dealing with research data.

Our mission

Bundle activities in Research Data Management and Data Science and offer a platform for networking individual initiatives and projects to use synergy effects for joint activities.

For this purpose, representatives of the member institutions as well as from Research Data Management and Data Science initiatives meet in the Research Data Working Group and in Exchange Groups working at the operational level.

Expand nationwide networks.

Staff members participate in national and international committees, for example in the national network of "RDM-Initiatives of the Federal States of Germany and Regional Networks", in the DINI / nestor Research Data Management Working Group as well as the sub-working group "Training", and in the NFDI sections addressing cross-cutting topics. In addition, the U Bremen Research Alliance e.V. as well as some of its member institutions are part of the NFDI e.V.


At international level, networking takes place via Research Data Alliance (RDA), the GO FAIR initiative and as well as via the European DIOSI and FAIRsFAIR project.

Further develop training in Research Data Management and Data Science.

Data competencies are strengthened via the Data Train training program. Data Train is a joint program of the members of the U Bremen Research Alliance and is co-financed by the Federal state of Bremen.


In the DIOSI project, Open Science and Open Innovation training is implemented sustainably in established models of early career researcher development at the University of Bremen.

Promoting the cultural change to "FAIR Data" in the U Bremen Research Alliance: Foster Critical Thinking and Research Data Management according to FAIR principles.

The Data Train training program as well as the provision of cross-discipline exchange platforms raise awareness of the benefits of Research Data Management according to FAIR principles and strengthen the data skills of staff. The networks also provide opportunities for collegial advice, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and coordination of Research Data Management processes as well as current developments.

Learn more about our mission
© U Bremen Research Alliance

Whitepaper on the establishment of cooperative research data management / UBRA

To strengthen cooperative future-oriented science, the U Bremen Research Alliance jointly pursues the goal of creating a coordinated space for innovation, infrastructure and research.

Click here for our Whitepaper

Initiatives in the U Bremen Research Alliance

BremHLR – Competence Center for High Perfomance Computing Bremen (AWI, Universität Bremen / ZeTeM)

The Competence Center for High Performance Computing Bremen BremHLR supports scientists in scientific computing on the High Performance Computer North (HLRN). As a cooperation between the University of Bremen, Jacobs University Bremen and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research founded on July 1, 2003, the BremHLR supports projects in scientific computing especially in the Federal state of Bremen. Support is provided in conception, application, and implementation.

As part of the competence network of the HLRN, BremHLR is involved in user consulting, maintenance of software packages and organizes supra-regional user workshops. The office of BremHLR at the University of Bremen in the Center for Technomathematics is financially supported by the Senator for Science and Ports Bremen (SWH).



Data Science Center (University of Bremen)


The Data Science Center (DSC) is an interdisciplinary institute that acts as focal point for data-driven research and data science at the University of Bremen. The goal is to strengthen Data Science in research, education, and application across all faculties as well as to advance scientific discoveries through cross-disciplinary collaborations.


Speaker:  drechsler(at)

Coordinator: lena.steinmann(at)

The German Marine Research Alliance (AWI, DSM, MPIMM, University of Bremen / MARUM, ZMT)

Image showing the logo of the Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung.
© Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung (DAM)

In 2019, the German marine research community, to-gether with the federal government and the northern German states of Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein, founded the German Marine Research Alliance (Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung DAM). The DAM brings together leading German marine research institutions. It addresses issues in marine research that are relevant to the future of society through joint research missions meeting the highest standards. The DAM’s task is to develop an integrated, reliable and sustainable data management concept for the research environment, together with the member institutions, and to coordinate the open and uniform access to it in line with FAIR principles. This is to be done in close coordination with, and in addition to, the planned National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI).

Contact: kontakt(at)

DigiZ – Investment in Data Science and a Research Data Infrastructure (ZMT)

Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung
© ©ZMT

With DigiZ , the Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) contributes to the Leibniz Association's digitization strategy as well as to the data infrastructure initiatives of the German Alliance for Marine Research (DAM). Within this project, the ZMT will expand its digital infrastructure to analyze typically heterogeneous research data from tropical coastal regions using modern data science methods. This will allow Social Science and Marine Science data to be systematically linked in order to gain new insights with transdisciplinary relevance. This data science approach is underpinned by a strengthened research data infrastructure at the ZMT.

Contact: nicolas.dittert(at)

RDM-Consulting at the University of Bremen


The Department for Research, Early Career Researchers and Transfer at the University of Bremen provides information on a website about the topic of research data management. The contact persons support and advise employees of the University of Bremen in finding suitable data repositories, the creation of data management plans, and in all other relevant questions. In addition, training courses are offered through the Early Career Researcher Development (BYRD).

Contact:  bschmidt(at)

RDM and DH at the State and University Library Bremen


The State and University Library Bremen offers information and advice on all aspects of Research Data Management. Contact persons support both, in the search for suitable data for your research and in the search for suitable repositories for your research data, in the creation of data management plans and in all other relevant questions on this topic.

Contact:  forschungsdaten(at)

Digital Humanities (DH) apply computer-based methods to answer research questions in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences. Images, texts - including entire text corpora - as well as audiovisual material can be analyzed with computer support. In addition, complex data structures can be visualized and thus made accessible in a new way. The application of DH methods thus offers research new knowledge potential.

The library offers a basic introduction to Digital Humanities techniques and data sources for research and teaching. The offer also includes consulting for advanced application of specific tools.

Contact: noelte(at)

NFDI Consortia in the U Bremen Research Alliance

  • NFDI4Biodiversity
    • Involved member instituions: University of  Bremen / MARUM, Speaker; further institutions in the alliance: GFBio e.V., AWI, ZMT
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner (Sprecher; AWI, University of Bremen / MARUM / PANGAEA) 
  • NFDI4DataScience
    • Involved member instituions: AWI
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner (Participant; AWI, University of Bremen / MARUM / PANGAEA)
  • NFDI4Culture
    • Involved member instituions: DSM
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vehlken (Participant; DSM)
  • NFDI4Earth
    • Involved member instituions: AWI, Co-Speaker; further institutions in the alliance: University of Bremen
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Stephan Frickenhaus (Co-Speaker, AWI) and Prof. Dr. Michal Kucera (Participant; University of Bremen / MARUM)
  • NFDI4Energy
    • Involved member instituions:Universität Bremen
    • Contact: Dr. Torben Stührmann (Participant; Universität Bremen)
  • NFDI4Health
    • Involved member instituions: BIPS, Co-Speaker; further institutions in the alliance: MEVIS, University of Bremen
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot (Co-Speaker; BIPS)
  • NFDI4Ing
    • Involved member instituions: DFKI
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Frank Kirchner and Dr. Florian Cordes (Participants; DFKI)
  • KonsortSWD
    • Involved member instituions: University of Bremen, Co-Speaker
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Betina Hollstein (Co-Speaker; University of Bremen / SOCIUM / QUALISERVICE)
  • NFDI-MatWerk
    • Involved member instituions: IWT
    • Contact: Dr. Matthias Steinbacher (Participant; IWT) and Dr. Norbert Riefler (IWT)
  • NFDI4Microbiota
    • Involved member instituions: MPIMM
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Amann (Participant; MPIMM)
      • NFDI4Objects
        • Involved member instituions: DSM
        • Contact: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vehlken (Participant; DSM)

      Please find more information here.

      PANGAEA – Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science (AWI, University of Bremen / MARUM)


      The information system PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing georeferenced data from earth system research. The system guarantees long-term availability of its content through a commitment of the hosting institutions. The PANGAEA data editorial ensures the integrity and authenticity as well as a high usability of the submitted data. Archived data are machine readable and mirrored into a data warehouse which allows efficient compilations of data.

      PANGAEA is open to any project, institution, or individual scientist to use or to archive and publish data.


      QUALISERVICE – the data service center for qualitative social science research data (University of Bremen / SOCIUM / PANGAEA / SuUB)


      QUALISERVICE is a data service center that archives and provides qualitative research data from the various fields of the social sciences for scientific re-use. Its services include personalized and study-specific advice, as well as curation and secure processing of data for re-use and long-term archiving.

      QUALISERVICE, a research data center accredited by the German Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD), archives and makes available qualitative social science research data from various disciplines for subsequent scientific use. The diverse services are secure, flexible, and research-oriented. They include personal and study-specific consulting, curation and preparation of  data for subsequent use and long-term archiving, as well as the provision of archived research data and relevant contextual information.

      Contact: info(at)

      Project speakers

      © Universität Bremen / AGRA

      Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler

      Speaker of the Data Science Center at the University of Bremen

      More information:

      Prof. Dr. Frank-Oliver Glöckner
      © Alfred-Wegener-Institut
      Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot
      © Jens Lehmkühler / U Bremen Research Alliance