- Register your guest at the Welcome Center.
Please register your guest at the Welcome Center by mail (welcomecenter@uni-bremen.de). We would like to support all hosting institutes and institutions with all questions concerning the stay of your international guest. Your guest can register on the Welcome Center website additionally. Write an invitation letter.
To apply for a visa, your guest needs a letter of invitation from your faculty or research institution. This he/she must present to the embassy with other necessary documents. The details of the invitation letter basically include the planned activity, duration and financing of the stay.In case your guest receives a contract, please contact the HR department as soon as possible.
Submit the documents to the personnel administration with appropriate advance notice so that the contract is available in good time. For international employees, a contract is concluded subject to the issuance of a residence permit.Check and consult with the Welcome Centre whether a hosting agreement for the guest scholar is benefitial
The hosting agreement is necessary for the issuance of a residence permit according to §18d of the German Residence Act. In case the guest scholar comes from a non-EU country and is planning to stay longer than three months as well as either 1) being funded by a scholarship or 2) planning to execute family reunification or 3) planning to conduct research in several European countries, this regulation can result benefitial. On the website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) you can find the sample of an hosting agreement.Provide all further necessary documents for the application of the visa of the international scholar
Arrange for a suitable work station or office
Remember to customize your guest's workstation to their needs. It may be useful to have an English-language operating system or a version of Word.
If you have any further questions, it would be the best for your guest to contact us directly at the Welcome Center (welcomecenter@uni-bremen.de)