Image showing a data network in Europe.

© imaginima / iStock

Cross-disciplinary exchange at the operational level and coordinated (further) developments

Staff members from the U Bremen Research Alliance as well as interested parties from other institutions come together in groups for a topic-specific exchange. The Exchange Groups provide a platform for cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary networking as well as collegial consultation. Members can discuss certain issues in the groups and benefit from the diverse perspectives as well as insights into solution strategies of others. Developments can be coordinated, thus interoperability and (scientific) collaboration across institutions is promoted.

Image showing a woman looking a wall of monitors. Monitors show different kinds of data visualization.
© Viacheslav Peretiatko / iStock

Data Stewardship

This network brings together people who accompany the handling of research data on an operational or advisory level in their respective scientific fields.

In the network, concrete approaches, solution strategies and workflows for research data handling are discussed. Through the exchange of experiences, made in different scientific fields, members benefit from each other and synergy effects can be used. In addition, the exchange is intended to foster the findability and interoperability of our research data.

The network operates in close exchange with the Research Data Working Group of the U Bremen Research Alliance and the Research Data Steering Committee of the University of Bremen, so that the three boards complement each other optimally.

Group leader:

Dr. Norbert Riefler (IWT)

Das Bild zeigt gefüllte Probenröhrchen im Labor.
© Pixabay

Sample Management

The exchange group deals with issues related to the management of sample materials according to the FAIR principles, i.e. their linkage with data, metadata, and persistent identifiers. In particular, there is a focus on software tools that can be used for managing sample materials. In this context, members can explore whether tools or approaches are suitable for their requirements. Moreover, the meetings provide an opportunity to coordinate developments with the partner institutions.

© Pixabay

Nagoya-Protocol/Access & Benefit-Sharing (ABS)

The "Nagoya-Protocol" is a law governing access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of their utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The Nagoya Protocol affects researchers, as well as their employers, who obtain genetic resources (i.e., dead or living material containing DNA and their derivatives) from abroad and/or use them in the course of their research. Nagoya Protocol-compliant collection of samples and data are increasingly required to be documented in publications.

Please find more information an support concearning the Nagoya-Protocol on the Homepage of the University of Bremen.

Group leader:

Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner (AWI)

Compliance Officer and Group coordinator:

Janina Bornemann
+49 421 218-57112
FVG Building, Room W0110


The Exchange Groups meet on a regular basis and are open to interested persons from all member institutions of the U Bremen Research Alliance.

If you are interested, please contact  Dr. Tanja Hörner.

Speakers of the lead project "Research Data Management and Data Science"

Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler

University of  Bremen / German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner

Alfred Wegener Institut, Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research / University of Bremen / MARUM / PANGAEA

Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot

Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS



Dr. Tanja Hörner

University of Bremen / U Bremen Research Alliance