NFDI – National Research Data Infrastructure

Through the active participation of its members in currently twelve of the 26 nationwide initiatives (as well as in the consortium network Base4NFDI) for the establishment of a National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the U Bremen Research Alliance has the best prerequisites for implementing Research Data Management across disciplines and institutions, also in cooperation with other locations.

NFDI consortia in the U Bremen Research Alliance

Inside the rectangle: The Federal State of Bremen and the members of the cooperation network U Bremen Research Alliance. Outside the rectangle: NFDI consortia in which member institutions of the U Bremen Research Alliance are currently involved (January 2025). T   © U Bremen Research Allaince

"Towards One NFDI"

Local networking of NFDI consortia with Bremen participation

Gruppenfote des Vernetzungstreffens der NFDI-Konsortien mit Bremer Beteiligung
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health

1st Network Meeting

On 20 May 2022, the first network meeting of the NFDI consortia with Bremen participation took place at Fraunhofer MEVIS in Bremen. For four hours, representatives from twelve of the 14 consortia of the 1st, 2nd and current funding rounds with Bremen participation exchanged views on their activities and possible cooperation, synergies and common challenges. The networking meeting was organised by NFDI4Biodiversity, NFDI4Health and the U Bremen Research Alliance. Click here for an overview of the event.


© U Bremen Research Alliance

2nd Network Meeting

As part of the 2nd Research Data Day (18 June 2024), the Bremen representatives of the NFDI consortia met with Prof. Dr York Sure-Vetter, Director of the NFDI, for a meeting followed by a tour of the information booths of the local 'data initiatives'.

Gruppenfote des Vernetzungstreffens der NFDI-Konsortien mit Bremer Beteiligung
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health
© Jesko Lange / NFDI4Health

Projects of the first call:



NFDI4Biodiversity is a consortium under the umbrella of the National Research Data Infrastructure dedicated to the collaborative use of biodiversity and environmental data.


Involved members:

University of Bremen / MARUM, Speaker

Further institutions: AWI, GFBio e.V., ZMT

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner (Speaker; AWI, PANGAEA, University of  Bremen / MARUM)


To the website of the consortium



NFDI4Culture ist ein Konsortium unter dem Dach der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur, das sich den Forschungsdaten der Architektur-, Kunst- und Musik- bis hin zu Theater-, Tanz-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft widmet.


Involved members:

DSM (has joined)

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vehlken (Participant; DSM)


To the website of the consortium



NFDI4Health - the National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data - focuses on data generated in clinical, epidemiological and public health studies. The collection and analysis of these data on health and disease status and important factors influencing it are an essential component for the development of new therapies, comprehensive care approaches and preventive measures of a modern healthcare system.


Involved members:

BIPS, Co-Speaker

Further institutions: MEVIS, University of Bremen

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Iris Pigeot (Co-Speaker; BIPS)


To the website of the consortium



As part of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the consortium aims to develop, disseminate, standardize, and provide methods and services to make engineering research data FAIR.


Involved members:


Contact persons:

Prof. Dr. Frank Kirchner und Dr. Florian Cordes (Participants; DFKI)


To the website of the consortium



KonsortSWD builds up services for research with data in the social, behavioral, educational, and economic sciences as part of the NFDI.



Involved members:

University of Bremen, Co-Speaker

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Betina Hollstein (Co-Speaker; University of Bremen / SOCIUM / QUALISERVICE)


To the website of the consortium

Projects of the second call:



The vision of NFDI4DataScience (NFDI4DS) is to support all steps of the complex and interdisciplinary research data lifecycle, including collecting / creating, processing, analyzing, publishing, archiving, and reusing resources in the fields of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.


Involved members:


Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner (Participant; AWI, PANGAEA, University of Bremen / MARUM)


To the website of the consortium



NFDI4Earth is focused on the digital needs of Earth System Science. NFDI4Earth is a community-driven process designed to provide researchers with FAIR, coherent, and open access to all relevant Earth System Data, innovative Research Data Management, and Data Science methodologies.


Involved members:

AWI, Co-Speaker

Further institutions: University of Bremen / MARUM

Contact persons:

Prof. Dr. Stephan Frickenhaus (Co-Speaker AWI) and Prof. Dr. Michal Kucera (Participant; University of Bremen / MARUM)


To the website of the consortium



National Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science & Engineering: To implement a materials-specific data space, the NFDI-MatWerk aims to reduce technological barriers in MSE by developing generic software tools and an overarching data and information infrastructure.


Involved members:


Contact persons:

Dr. Matthias Steinbacher (Participant; IWT) and Dr. Norbert Riefler (WT)


To the website of the consortium



The vision of the NFDI4Microbiota Consortium is that researchers in Microbiology (including Bacteriology, Virology, Protistology, Mycology, and Parasitology) can easily transform research data into a deep understanding of microbial species and their interactions at the molecular level. The mission of the NFDI4Microbiota Consortium is to be the central hub in Germany for supporting the Microbiology community with access to data, analytical services, data / metadata standards, and training.


Involved members:


Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Amann (Participant; MPIMM)


To the website of the consortium

Projects of the third call:



Digitalization processes, which affect technical, social, and societal aspects as well as the research process itself, also play a role in energy system research. The research heavily relies on model- and (co-)simulation-based approaches, often requiring the involvement of industry partners and society in the research. As a result, tracking data and models, due to the complexity of research projects, represents one of the current challenges.

Here, NFDI4Energy leverages existing research data management (RDM) approaches, which are being developed in other NFDI consortia, and adapts them to the needs of its own research community


Involved members:

University of Bremen (has joined)

Contact person:

Dr. Torben Stührmann (Participant; University of Bremen)


To the website of the consortium



NFDI4Memory brings together partners united by a common set of interests, needs, and aims related to the distinct challenges faced by those disciplines that use historical methods or that rely on data requiring historical contextualization.


Involved members:


Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vehlken (Participant; DSM)


To the website of the consortium



NFDI4Objects is a multidisciplinary consortium building a research data infrastructure (NFDI) for the material heritage of human and environmental history.


Involved members:

DSM (has joined)

Contact person:

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vehlken  (Participant; DSM)


To the website of the consortium



Base4NFDI is an alliance of consortia for the joint establishment of basic services for the NFDI. Base4NFDI integrates and establishes basic services as common, interoperable solutions. Existing services are adapted or extended to be usable for researchers from other disciplines.


To the website of the alliance